iPad users classes begin next week

JPRD logoPeg Raney will once again offer iPad classes through the Jefferson park and recreation department.

New this fall is the Out of the Box iPad class. This class, for the very beginner, will help users set up email, browse the internet, use the camera, etc.

Out of the Box, Beginning iPad and MORE iPad classes will be offered on Wednesdays Oct.1 through Nov. 5. Out of the Box will meet from 9 to 10 am. Beginning classes will be available from 10:30 to 11:30 am, or from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The beginning class reviews the basic functions of your iPad including Notes, Reminders & Calendar, communication using Message and FaceTime and more.

The More class meets from 12 to 1 pm. It will help those who are comfortable with the basics learn how to use creative Apple apps including iBooks, iPhoto, iMovie, etc.  The class will also introduce fun apps including Smilebox Kindertown, Pinterest, Facebook and TED Talks.

Participants for iPad classes should have an iPad. Classes will meet at the Greene County Community Center.  Call 515-386-3412 or stop by the Greene County Community Center for more information on the iPad users classes. For a registration form, click here: iPad users

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